Money Talk

A brown toad ponders from the grassy groundcover.

Investment for OfferingS

  • Investment rates vary by service type and are offered through a self-determined sliding scale system. See each offering page to learn more about specific rate ranges for individual, practitioner, and organizational offerings.

    As with all systems, this investment structure is subject to change and evolution based on service user feedback and how well it serves my and others’ needs over time. Any changes to the rate structure will be updated on this page and discussed with all current service users.

  • As one way to increase accessibility of services, all offerings are provided on a sliding scale. You decide your investment for a given offering, with no income checks or justification.

    Guidelines to help locate yourself on each sliding scale are available below, if helpful.

    Each offering has two sliding scales: a standard rate scale and an equity rate scale designed for queer & trans Black and Indigenous folks and other people of color.

  • An equity rate scale is available to queer & trans Black and Indigenous folks and other people of color. Equity rates are one way that I live my commitment to providing support in ways that acknowledge the historical and present barriers in our systems of care and education that are designed to limit access for queer & trans Black and Indigenous folks and other people of color. This is not a discount or scholarship, and I don’t assume QTBIPOC do or do not have access to wealth; these rates are offered with a prayer for collective liberation.

    Equity rates are not available if using insurance to pay for therapy services, due to insurance regulations. See more about my mental health therapy offering.

  • Consistent with my efforts to move in collaboration with community needs and values, barter, skill trade, & hybrid cash-trade options are available for most services on a case-by-case basis based on a mutual assessment of offerings. As examples, some things I’ve traded for in the past have included art, bodywork, financial admin services, photography, energy work, and gardening help.

    Individual Therapy & Ongoing Clinical Support (“supervision”) are unfortunately ineligible for barter & trade due to licensure regulations.

    Negotiating an exchange of services outside of the cash system can be a tricky and worthwhile process. If you’re interested in exploring the possibility of a barter or skill trade, please let me know when you connect about your desired offerings.

  • As one expression of my value to share power & support the ecology of our collective movements, a portion of all Ampersand Healing income is redistributed to movement leaders, communities, and individuals through mutual aid and calls for financial action.

    Current ongoing redistributions are made to groups including Stories Inspiring Movements, the Nipmuc Nation, Ohketeau Cultural Center, the Native Land Conservancy, Adalah Justice Project, Showing Up For Racial Justice, Black Voters Matter, Eastern Woodlands Rematriation, Trans Asylum Seeker Support Network, Middle East Children’s Alliance, 1for3, and local mutual aid projects.

  • At this time, monetary exchanges can be made via Venmo, PayPal, CashApp, cash, or check.

    Therapy services are offered through the Grow Therapy platform, which bills directly to your credit or debit card for co-pays or self-pay amounts.

    Offerings made in partnership with other practitioners or organizations may offer additional or alternative payment methods or processes. These will be clear for each offering, if applicable.

How to Use the Sliding Scales*

Living in a world shaped by money is pretty wild. As we dream and move toward something more functional for all, we can collaborate in the meantime to work with what we have. Within this context, Hadassah Damien of Ride Free Fearless Money reminds us, “It’s ok to have resources! And it’s ok not to have them. That’s what a scale is meant to account for.”

Please consider the prompts below as a way to reflect on your relative access to financial resources. You’re welcome to find yourself in the scale as you can with self-compassion and honesty. Specific investment rate scales for each offering are noted as part of each offering’s description.

Individual/Practitioner Sliding Scales:

Consider paying less on the scale if you:

  • are supporting children or have other dependents

  • have significant debt

  • have medical expenses not covered by insurance

  • are eligible for public financial assistance (e.g., SNAP, WIC)

  • have immigration-related expenses

  • are an elder or disabled person with limited financial support

  • are an unpaid community organizer

  • are a returning citizen who has been denied work due to incarceration history

  • experience discrimination in hiring or pay level, such as due to transmisia, racism, anti-Muslim negativity, etc.

Consider paying more on the scale if you:

  • own the home you live in

  • have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money

  • travel for recreation

  • have access to family money and resources in times of need

  • work part-time or are unemployed by choice

  • have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education (or gender and racial privilege, etc.), even if you aren’t currently exercising this earning power

Organizational & Team Sliding Scales:

Consider paying less on the scale if your org or team:

  • has fewer than 5 employees/staff/co-owners

  • is led (>50% executive and managerial, if applicable) by folks who hold marginalized identities or statuses (e.g., disabled, BIPOC, legal system-impacted, survivors)

  • is primarily comprised of volunteers

  • provides services/good primarily to communities targeted and disproportionately impacted by systems of harm (e.g., gender expansive communities, BIPOC communities, immigrants & refugees, folks in recovery, sex workers, folks impacted by incarceration)

Consider paying more on the scale if your org or team:

  • has more than 10 employees/staff/co-owners

  • has an annual operating budget of over $200K

  • is led (>50% executive and managerial, if applicable) by folks whose identities and statuses are granted unearned power in our society (e.g., white, cis, heterosexual, U.S. citizens, abled, etc.)

  • is able to provide supplemental non-monetary benefits to your staff (e.g., health insurance, retirement savings)

  • pays anyone a 6-figure salary

*This sliding scale structure includes content and teachings shared by Hadassah Damien of Ride Free Fearless Money, Alexis J. Cunningfolk of Worts + Cunning, and Holly Poole-Kavana of Little Red Bird Botanicals. Gratitude to these folks for helping me imagine and draft this structure. Feedback is welcome!